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What is a good dryer and dryer?

Date:2018-03-08Source:Tuohang Industry
        From the standpoint of dryness, the water removal performance of the dryer is better than that of the dryer. It can remove large amounts of moisture, and the pressure dew point of the dryer can reach -20°C to -70°C. The cold and dry pressure dew point can only be 2-10 °C.
        From the energy consumption point of view, the cold dryer is better than the dryer, and the dryer does not need to regenerate the gas consumption, and the dryer consumes a part of the gas consumption during the regeneration process, which will increase the cost of the company.
        From the point of view of the air environment, the adsorption dryer is better than the dryer. The absorber uses a high molecular sieve adsorbent, which does not pollute the air. The freon used in the dryer can damage the atmosphere and affect the atmosphere.
        From a price point of view, cold dryers are cheaper than adsorption dryers.
        From the point of view of the production process, the adsorption dryer is better than the dryer. The adsorption dryer can produce different quality compressed air according to the different requirements of the compressed air in the production process. For example, a dryer with a pressure dew point of -20°C, a dryer with a pressure dew point of -40°C and a dryer with a pressure dew point of -70°C.
Compared with the dryer, the dryer has the following features:
1、There is no consumption of compressed air - most users do not have very high dew point requirements for compressed air. For example, using a dryer can save energy compared to using a dryer.
2、No valve wear - the dryer has the problem of switching valves. Although there are valves in the dryer, there is no wear problem.
3、There is no need to add or replace adsorbents on a regular basis.
4、The noise of operation is low; the noise of the pressure in the adsorption tower is released from the suction dryer. In an air compressor room, the operation noise of the dryer is generally not heard.
5、Routine maintenance is relatively simple, as long as the automatic drainage filter can be cleaned on time.
6、The pre-treatment of the gas source is not required to be high, and the general oil-water separator can meet the requirement of the cold-dryer on the intake air quality.
Compared to the dryer, the dryer has the following features:
1、Low pressure dew point, good drying effect. The lowest pressure dew point up to -70 °C;
2、No pollution to the atmosphere, cold dryers using refrigerant (chlorofluorocarbon) for refrigeration, serious air pollution; while the use of absorbent dryers, no pollution to the atmosphere.
上一页Dry dryer installation requirements and precautions
下一页How to do if the dryer frequently starts tripping?

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