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How to do if the dryer frequently starts tripping?

Date:2018-03-06Source:Tuohang Industry
        The reasons for the frequent starting tripping of cold and dry machines include five items, which are implemented in accordance with these contents during maintenance. The details are as follows:
  1、The surrounding area has a high temperature, and no cooling measures have been taken, resulting in abnormal internal conditions;
  2、The space and the outside world are not well ventilated and cannot discharge heat in time;
  3、Unstable power supply, poor contact or other factors, causing large voltage fluctuations;
  4、The current use of the machine has a small amount of processing, but the actual demand is large, overloaded driving;
  5、Control instrument failure.
  Each of the above conditions will affect the work of the dryer. If there is a problem of frequent tripping, first of all, according to these reasons, each one is checked in detail, and any part is not missed, because small details are often overlooked. It is always an important point, no matter what part, there is a fault immediately resolved, and if not, it can be eliminated. There is also an adequate amount of internal cooling water, and the performance of the accessories plays a leading role.
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