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The role and maintenance of precision filters

Date:2018-03-12Source:Tuohang Industry
        In the modern industrial production, compressed air is more and more widely used, and it is playing an increasingly important role in improving the production efficiency and product quality, and improving the automation degree and reliability of production operations.
        As a gas source, the compressed air generated by the air compressor contains a large amount of impurities such as moisture, oil, and dust. If filtration is not performed or the quality of the filter used is not shut off, the compressed air containing contaminated air is supplied to the compressed air use equipment, causing the following hazards to the entire system:
1、Compressed air used for painting, chemical, food or precision parts processing, such as containing moisture, oil and impurities, will cause product contamination, resulting in a decline in product quality, serious and even make the product scrapped, affecting the product.
2、Dust and other impurities in the compressed air produce a grinding effect on parts that move relatively. When the wear is severe, leakage is caused, and the accuracy and service life of the equipment are affected.
3、In the freezing season, the condensation of water vapor can damage the pipes and accessories due to freezing.
4、As the mixture of water, oil and dust is deposited in the pipeline, the flow area of the pipeline is reduced and the airflow resistance is increased. In severe cases, it may even result in blockage of the pipeline, resulting in unstable operation of the entire system.
5、High pressure oil vapour accumulates in the system piping, forming flammable or even explosive mixtures. At the same time, the oil is vaporized at high temperature to form an organic acid, which has a corrosive effect on metal equipment. The use of contaminated compressed air will not only seriously affect production equipment, personnel, products and the surrounding environment, but it may also lead to additional production losses, product quality problems and increased maintenance costs.
6、Damage to the human body. In addition to the problems associated with compressed air systems, if pollutants, such as water, solid particles, and oil are allowed to be released through valves, cylinders, air motors, and tools, they will create an unhealthy production and work environment, such as productive dust and toxic gases. Wait. Employees work in polluted environments for a long time and cause invisible damage to their health. Different levels of chronic diseases can occur. For example, dust can damage the eyes and reduce the visual field. It can also cause occupational diseases such as chronic bronchitis and pneumoconiosis. Affects the physical health of employees, threatens the lives of employees, and increases the risk of accidents. At the same time, it may also cause problems such as product contamination, personal injury, lack of staff, and financial compensation, which will inflict damages on production personnel and product users, ultimately affecting the brand efficiency of the company's products and the reputation of the company, and gradually losing the competitiveness and market of the company.
High-precision filter cartridge
Role: Degreasing, dust removal, filtering of oil, dust and liquid water in compressed air; Deodorizing filter element, filtering out oil vapor and other odors in compressed air; Sterile filter element: filtering out bacteria in compressed air.
Materials: Degrease and dust filter elements are high-precision glass fibers; deodorizing filter elements are activated carbon; sterilizing filter elements are super-borosilicate glass fibers.
Life: The design life of the filter element is usually 1 year. The plugging pressure difference standard for an efficient degreasing filter is usually 0.7 bar.
The hazards of extended use: filter element resistance is too large, pipeline pressure drop is large, and unit energy consumption increases.
How to properly maintain and maintain the precision filter?
Generally when removing impurities, special attention should be paid to the filter's precision filter element, which must not be deformed or damaged. Otherwise, the filter element can be installed again, and the purity of the filtered medium cannot meet the design requirements:
1、The core part of the precision filter is the filter element. The filter element is made of special materials and is a wearing part. Special protection is required.
2、When the precision filter works for a period of time, the filter element will contain a certain amount of impurities. At this time, the pressure drop will increase and the flow rate will decrease. The impurities in the filter must be removed in time, and the filter element must be cleaned.
3、When removing impurities, special attention should be paid to the precision filter element, which must not be deformed or damaged. Otherwise, the filter element installed on the filter element can not meet the design requirements after the filtration.
4、Some precision filter elements cannot be used repeatedly;
5、If the filter element is found to be deformed or damaged, it must be replaced immediately.
上一页High-Precision Filters Getting Started Guide
下一页What are the effects on the drying effect of adsorption dryers?

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