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What are the measures for the maintenance of dryers?

Date:2018-03-02Source:Tuohang Industry
       Dryer is a kind of equipment that adopts the principle of cooling condensation to dry compressed air. Mainly by the heat exchange system, refrigeration system and electrical control system consists of three parts, then what are the methods of maintenance of the dryer?
  一、Before and after the dryer, the filter element and the built-in filter element of the machine are periodically replaced. Normally, the filter is replaced once a year. The dry and dry electromechanical panel inspects the drainage condition every day. It is dismantled and cleaned once a week. Generally, the valve core is replaced about one year, or it is replaced in case of air leakage or undrained. Normally it is recommended to replace it in about six months, which will facilitate the discharge of condensate.
  二、Every day it is necessary to check the filter drainage before and after the dryer. No automatic drainage device must be discharged manually once an hour. If self draining is configured, check whether the drain is normally discharged.
  三、The drain valve of the dryer is opened and discharged once a day, which facilitates the discharge of impurities inside the pipeline and inside the machine in time to prevent the drainage of the drain from draining. When opening the hand valve, attention must be paid to opening it slowly to prevent emissions from injuring itself and others. Safety.
  四、Daily inspection of the electrical components inside the electrical control box, if necessary, regular dust removal treatment, it is recommended to remove dust once a month, each time to check the fastening of the electrical components terminal, if any looseness should be tightened in time to prevent the current is too large and burn out Electrical appliances.
  The above is for the introduction of the dryer on the content, more information you are welcome to consult!
上一页What is the degree to which the chiller can reduce the air temperature?
下一页What are the factors that affect the normal operation of the dryer?

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